Sunday, 6 June 2010

The River Maiden

Obviously, I'm practicing my digital painting XD

From start to finish, this entire image was painted, using only three layers, in Photoshop CS3, using my Wacom A5 Bamboo Tablet. It took about a weeks worth of hours to complete, and I am terribly pleased with it!

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Draw Mohammed DAy

For the first annual Draw Mohammed Day.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Four Little Dolls


XD These are little Dotee Dolls - little decorative plushie dolls - each one was made for a specific friend and will soon be winging their way around the world!

Red/Orange is going to South Africa
Blue/Gold is going to Louisianna
Green is staying here in the UK but going up north
Purple is goingto Canada

They're about 1.5 inches by 3.5 inches and take abouta day each to make - unless I'm distracted by something, and then they take longer XD

Here they are individually!


This one is mine. I experimented to see if I could add wings - turns out I could, so long as I didn't fuck up the stitching XD



Yah, so about three days of work and I have my very own plush owl XD It's 5 inches from base to ear-tip and 4 inches wide - it's so damn cute XD

I didn't wieght it, so it doesn't stand up, but I don't care too much, it's extra cuddly and soft and I like to poke it's belly...


I'm planning to make bigger and better stuffed toys, now that I know how!

Finally updating!

Wow - it's been a long while hasn't it? o.o

This was a birthday present in May 2009 - can't believe I never posted it! It features Becca-An and Willem from my original story - the characters are based on my best friend and her fiance's characters, and they were the recipients of the gift.

This was hand drawn/inked, scanned, cleaned and then digitally painted in PSCS3 with far too many layers. Took forever, but I'm still very pleased with how it's come out!

More soon ^^